Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Honorable Mr/Mrs……………..
Honorable Mr/Mrs……………..
Ladis and gentlemen dear brother and sisters
Firsly, let’s thank unto Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing, until we can attend in this happy place without anytroubles and obstacles.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad  SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from stupidly era to the cleverness namely Islam religion the true religion in this world and here after.
I say thank you very much to the master/mistress of ceremony having given me time to speech in front of audience. Ladies and gentlemen, in this beautiful chance I would like to give my speech under the title is THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH IN GLOBAL TRADE.
Together with the rhythm of time, the progress of science and technology is more increased, and international competition degree is more crowded. It forces many people to prepare anything in facing the to master not only theory but also skill professionally.
Ladies and gentlemen, we know that nowdays, every country competes to make new technology by producing modern machine to get marketing sympathy from the world. And of course the instruction of the machine uses international language that can be caught by many people in the world.
Honorable Mr/Mrs……………..
Honorable Mr/Mrs……………..
Ladis and gentlemen dear brother and sisters
Firsly, let’s thank unto Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing, until we can attend in this happy place without anytroubles and obstacles.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad  SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from stupidly era to the cleverness namely Islam religion the true religion in this world and here after.
I say thank you very much to the master/mistress of ceremony having given me time to speech in front of audience. Ladies and gentlemen, in this beautiful chance I would like to give my speech under the title is THE LOST MORALITY IN GLOBALIZATION ERA.
Globalization era is challenge for everyone to always ready compete in competitive life. Beause in this era, many people try to get much money and social status confession. As like the wise sord says “firs come firs serve”. We sometimes don’t know which one is enemy. Friends can be enemy and enemy can be friends. They ruin each other.
Nowdays, the changing of lifestyle begins far from religious guidance. Religious law as basic of life regulation is increasingly lost of men’s life. Shaking hand and kissing between man. And woman cebome habits, the women like new trend buwearing cloth showing their genitals, pornography, pornoaction, free sex and many other.
Spectacle often becomes guidance and guidance often becomes guidance and guidance often becomes spectacle. We can see it from social intercourse. Television is source of lifestyle change. Because it shows various programs which ate viewed by many people in the world. The actor and the actress are often considered as a figure by societies in changing lifestyle by wearing and doing something which is sometimes which is sometimes strange with our culture. 
Ladies and gentlemen, the epoch is increasing old, competitive life is more crowded and promiscuity is more crazy. Person morality begins depraved because of developing era and demand of daily need. But I’m sure that we can pass it well, because se have religion that gives guidance for our life in order to be better. We know that no religion teaches and instructs to the wrong way. So that way, let’s make this short life to be better by doing something useful for ourselves and other people. Let’s adorn ourselves by faith and devout. In order we are able to get high prestige in the world and here after.
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all my speech. May out god always bless us now and forever. Thank you very much for your nice attention the last I say Wassalamu ‘alaiku wr. wb.

Talking about emancipation of course we will remember to our beloved of course we will remember to our beloved mother Kartini, the legendary woman having tough many things for women societies in Indonesia. For about 62 years ago ost of the women in Indonesia were stupid. They were always pressed by the man and never got a proper place. Why could it be happen? Because they never got an education at all. They only noble daughterand son that got it, until the social status differentiation and discrimination was strongly at the time. But because of Kartini’s struggle and her concept which was writtern in her famous book “Habis gelap terbitlah terang” the role of woman is more and more step up quicly at present. Morever today in this globalitation era, many woman became a leader.